Al Biruni Edication System


Pillars of Physical Health

The third pillar of Al–Biruni Education System is PHYSICAL HEALTH. Often this pillar is less emphasized but it is pivotal in building physical as well as mental and moral strength. Healthy students who are physically active tend to have better grades, school attendance, cognitive performance, and classroom behaviours. This pillar is achieved at Al–Biruni Education System through healthy sports activities and catering for proper and healthy diet management of the students.

Strong Activities

At Al-Biruni Education System include both indoor and outdoor sports. Regular physical training and sports classes are integral part of Physical Health pillar. Al-Biruni Education System has also lengthened break-time to provide a catalyst for more sports activities. These activities include individual as well as group sports.

Physical Health

The third pillar of Al-Biruni Education System is Physical Health. Al-Biruni Education System believes that healthy lifestyle and physical strength through Sports Activities and Nutrition & Diet Management leads to a good human being.

Nutrition & Diet Management

At Al-Biruni Education System include right diet & nutrition for the students. Periodic check-up by specialist doctors twice a year is arranged for the students. On the basis of the health report, Advice is given to students regarding the management of their nutrition & diet